Migration from v0.1 to v0.2

Version 0.2 overview

The version 0.2 brings some improvements that target the future of the library.

The following guide is aimed to help you to upgrade to v0.2, if you encounter any problem during the upgrade, the community might help you on the gitter chat room, just ask!

The version 0.1 is now deprecated and wont be maintained anymore.


Css parser moved from google package to core:

Remove PSR-7 implementation:

Request Builder

Being said in the previous paragraph, serps does not provide a PSR-7 implementation anymore. Until now we forced the users to use zend-diactoros, now the choice of the PSR-7 implementation will be up to the user. The goal was to let user choose what implementation to depend on. To make it worth serps now provides a request builder that will automatically detect what package is installed in your dependencies and create a request object for you:

    use Serps\Core\Psr7\RequestBuilder;

    $request = RequestBuilder::buildRequest('http://foo.bar', 'GET');

In most cases this API change will be invisible to you, except that you need to add a psr7 dependency by yourself.

Google: client update

This is probably the most sensible change from the upgrade. The google client changed the way it builds requests.

Instead of giving it a http client at construction and proxy and cookie jar at request time, you will now give it a default browser instance that wraps all of these three items and that can be overriden at request time. In other words the constructor moved from

    new GoogleClient(HttpClientInterface $client)


    new GoogleClient(BrowserInterface $browser = null)

And the query method moved from

    GoogleClient::query(GoogleUrlInterface $googleUrl, Proxy $proxy = null, CookieJarInterface $cookieJar = null)


    GoogleClient::query(GoogleUrlInterface $googleUrl, BrowserInterface $browser = null)

In addition property $googleClient->request and method GoogleClient::getRequestBuilder() do not exist anymore, they are fully replaced by the browser implementation.

The reason of this change is that google client was managing the request by itself. Making it hard to keep a consistent browser behaviour from different places and that was an issue for managing captcha that need to have the same browser environment (user-agent string, cookies, proxy...).

Now the google client acts more like a real browser, leaving all the request logic to the browser and it will only manage the url given to the browser and the response returned from the browser.

Here is an example of how to use it before and after.


    use Serps\SearchEngine\Google\GoogleClient;
    use Serps\HttpClient\CurlClient;
    use Serps\SearchEngine\Google\GoogleUrl;

    $userAgent = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/40.0.2214.93 Safari/537.36";

    $googleClient = new GoogleClient(new CurlClient());

    $response = $googleClient->query($googleUrl, $someProxy, $someCookies);


    use Serps\SearchEngine\Google\GoogleClient;
    use Serps\HttpClient\CurlClient;
    use Serps\Core\Browser\Browser;
    use Serps\SearchEngine\Google\GoogleUrl;

    $userAgent = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/40.0.2214.93 Safari/537.36';
    $language = 'en-US,en;q=0.8';

    $browser = new Browser(new CurlClient(), $userAgent, $language, $someProxy, $someCookies);

    $googleClient = new GoogleClient($browser);
    $response = $googleClient->query($googleUrl);

    // Alternatively you can pass browser at request time:
    $googleClient = new GoogleClient();
    $response = $googleClient->query($googleUrl, $browser);

As you can see the browser instance manages most of what a real browser would manage (at least for request):


Although the class is named Browser it does not mean that it will parse the css and javascript of the page. The name browser was chosen because it's an object that encapsulates all the request logic and that is able to manage cookies and proxies as a real browser would do.

In any case this class is capable to parse javascript and css or to render the html by itself .

Google: support for mobile results

Google is now able to parse mobile results. All the mobile have been implemented in the same way as the other results and that should be invisible to you except that now you can parse mobile pages. The google parse guide was updated with new mobile results

Google: CSS Parser

The css parser is not available from google package anymore, if you were using it you will need to rely on the replacement from the core package.





Google: image results

Thanks to the recent addition of the MediaInterface serps makes it easy to work with image results parsed from google.

With the previous version image result format was unpredictable: that could be an url, or a base64 image... now you wont have to care anymore about this. The only thing in you need to care about is how to store the image.

Concretely the media interface will detect for you the type of image and gives you the possibility to get it either as a stream, as binary data or as a base64 string or to save it in a file:


Google: drop support for raw parser

At the very beginning of serps we though it would make sense to provide a raw parser for raw google pages (no-javascript pages), but there is actually no use for it. Even the results from curl are the same as the javascript ones and this is due to the fact that the page needs to be evaluated to show a javascript disabled version (curl does not evaluate the page, thus it returns almost the same version as the javascript-enabled one).

Maintaining a raw parser was a lot of efforts for a very few results. We simply decided to drop support for the raw parser.

Google: additional changes:


The url interface changed. Most of the changes are internal and you should not be concerned by it.

In case you played with the url, see the core changelog for more details

Cookie expiration time was not standard and was invalid most of time. Now cookie expiration is correctly managed.